

realtime in print has been redesigned by parcel

What is Parcel? A design team? writers? editors? One of Parcel’s attractions for the people who work in and around it is that the positioning statement seems to change every few months.

Parcel was formed in Sydney in 2004 by writer and editor Heidi Dokulil and communications designer Graeme Smith. The idea was to make a satisfying and intelligent living out of what they like doing: designing and writing, talking to people about design and visual culture and setting up interesting scenarios for dialogues between designers and manufacturers, artists, educators, children, the public and any groups interested in a more complete view of the world as a designed place.

A recent project informed by these interests was the exhibition, Conversations of Things New, which Parcel curated and designed for the Italian Trade Commission at Federation Square, Melbourne and St Margarets, Sydney. The exhibition explored collaborations—through interviews, talks, a film, a magazine and design process artefacts—between Australian product designers and Italy’s heritage-rich manufacturers.


RealTime issue #76 Dec-Jan 2006 pg. 6

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

1 December 2006