
editorial – rt100

RealTime issue 1 featuring Angharad Wynne-Jones

RealTime issue 1 featuring Angharad Wynne-Jones

RealTime is 100! Well, not exactly. But we have reached our 100th edition and, after a very busy 2010, will celebrate on the occasion of our 101st in February 2011. Performance artist Angharad Wynne-Jones appeared on the cover of our first edition in 1994 before becoming house manager and then artistic director of Performance Space and, later, director of LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre). Most recently she’s been the organiser in Australia of the Tipping Point forums on the relationship between the arts and the future of the environment. The RealTime issue 1 cover reminds us how far we’ve come and the changes the arts have been through and how they’ve changed the world—and not. There’s work to do. We look forward to celebrating our 101st with you in 2011.

Our thanks go to the 40 NSW artists, companies and organisations who wrote statements of support for RealTime after we failed to win funding from Arts NSW for two years running. Now we’re back on the Arts NSW books and deeply appreciative of your generosity. Meanwhile, in the way of the swings and roundabouts of arts funding, after many years of receiving support from and engaging in joint publishing ventures with what is now Screen Australia, we no longer fit that organisation’s more corporate bill or its tiny funding allocation for screen culture. But that won’t deter us—we’ve had an excellent year and 2011 is looking good.

RealTime issue #100 Dec-Jan 2010 pg.

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

1 December 2010