
in the loop may 15: opportunities

Sensing Sydney, Carbon Arts & the City of Sydney

Sensing Sydney, Carbon Arts & the City of Sydney

sensing sydney, carbon arts, city of sydney

As part of Art & About 2013, Carbon Arts and the City of Sydney are looking to commission a temporary public artwork that somehow manifests data about sustainable living in Sydney—energy consumption, emissions, waste indicators, demographics etc. The aim of the work is to involve “the public in an active dialogue on environmental issues and citizen-engaged action” (website). All inclusive project budgets up to $25,000 will be considered.
Deadline 20 May
More info http://www.carbonarts.org/?post_type=projects&p=837

dramaturgy internships 2013

Sydney-based playwrights, directors or dramaturgs (emerging or more experienced) who are interested in learning more about script development are invited to apply for a six-month internship at Playwriting Australia. The successful intern will work regularly with the PWA team on script assessments and will be able to observe or assist with the National Script Workshops.
Applications close Monday May 20; http://www.pwa.org.au/dramaturgy-internships-2013

librettist workshop, chamber made

scrore from Minotaur The Labyrinth, David Young

scrore from Minotaur The Labyrinth, David Young

Also on the writing front, Chamber Made Opera will be running a five-day workshop on the art of the libretto. There will be practical exercises as well as presentations by leading writers, librettists and dramaturgs Margaret Cameron, Alison Croggon, Brett Kelly, Angus Grant, Kate Schmitt and Chamber Made’s departing director David Young.
Chamber Made Opera, Writers Victoria, The Wheeler Centre, July 29- August 2; http://www.chambermadeopera.com/program/Librettists_Workshop

city of melbourne annual grants

Applications are now open for arts activities based in the City of Melbourne in 2014. Grants of up to $20,000 per applicant are available for the 2014 program.
Applications close 17 June 2013.http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/aboutcouncil/grantssponsorship/artsgrants/Pages/ArtsFunding.aspx

still in the loop

stephen cummins bequest residencies, performance space
Applications close June 3

beijing residency, 4a centre for contemporary asian art
Deadline May 31

the sustainability of future bodies workshop series, isea2013, critical path
Applications due May 20: Apply online www.surveymonkey.com/s/ISEA13-CP-workshop-series

workshops, networked art forms & tactical magick faerie circuits, cast
With Julian Oliver & Danja Vasiliev (May 31- June 2); Anne Goldeberg & Karine Rathle (June 5-8)
More info http://tacticalmagick.net/workshops

call for percussion scores, campbelltown city council
Deadline for submissions July 1; www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/CallforScore

travel fellowship, revelation, perth
Deadline 24 May

arts house season 1, 2014
Deadline May 31

channels video art festival
Deadline June 1
More info www.channelsfestival.net.au/

selected australia council grant deadlines

(for full list see http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/grants)

Community Partnerships, due May 24
• Career Pathways – Professional Development

• Career Pathways – Fellowships

• Creative Producer

• Projects

• Projects with Public Outcomes

Visual Arts, due May 27
• Australia Council Visual Arts Laureate Award and Medal

• Creative Australia – New Work

Market Development, due May 31
• Visions of Australia and Contemporary Touring Initiative

• Playing Australia

RealTime issue #114 April-May 2013 pg. web

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

15 May 2013