
In the loop 23 Oct: Opportunities

B l o o m—S p a c e, (Installation view) 2013.
Background Roy Ananda; middle ground Carla Liesch; foreground Will French; curated by Adelé Sliuzas

B l o o m—S p a c e, (Installation view) 2013.
Background Roy Ananda; middle ground Carla Liesch; foreground Will French; curated by Adelé Sliuzas

B l o o m—S p a c e, (Installation view) 2013.
Background Roy Ananda; middle ground Carla Liesch; foreground Will French; curated by Adelé Sliuzas

AEAF—emerging + experimental curators

The Adelaide-based Australian Experimental Art Foundation is calling for proposals from emerging curators to present exhibitions in the second half of 2014. (Read our review of emerging curator Adelé Sliuzas’ bloom, a highly successful exhibition as part of the 2013 series.)
Applications due 8 Nov; www.eaf.org

Renew Sydney: Leichhardt

Colluding with Leichhardt Council in Sydney’s inner west, The Renew Australia team are happy to announce the launch of the first Sydney Renew program. This will see a number of unoccupied retail properties become available for creative commercial and artistic enterprises. They are currently seeking people interested in setting up small creative retail spaces.
Proposals due 8 Nov; http://www.renewaustralia.org/2013/10/renew-australia-comes-to-sydney-with-renew-leichhardt/

107 Projects Applications for 2014

You’ve just enough time to put in an application for the 2014 gallery program at the pumping artist-run space 107 Projects in Redfern. Exhibitions can range from one week to three with just about all artforms welcome.
Applications due 25 Oct; http://www.107projects.org/

First Draft Directors 2014-2015

One of Australia’s oldest artist-run initiatives, First Draft in Sydney is looking for people passionate about the emerging arts and with skills in collaborative arts management to join the team of directors for the next two years.
Deadline 8 Nov; http://firstdraftgallery.com/get_involved/firstdraftwantsyou

Selected Australia Council Grant Deadlines

(for full list go to http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/grants

Music: Presentation and Promotion – 18 November 2013

Music: New Work – Writing and Recording – 18 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Skills and Arts Development –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Presentation and Promotion-
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: The Dreaming Award –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Fellowships –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: The Red Ochre Award –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: New Work –
19 November 2013

Visual Arts Travel Fund – 25 November 2013

Contemporary Music Touring Program – 25 November 2013

RealTime issue #117 Oct-Nov 2013 pg. web

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

23 October 2013