
RT125 Editorial

Gail Priest in front of artwork by Dran, part of the exhibition INSIDE, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 20 Oct, 2014-10 Jan, 2015

Gail Priest in front of artwork by Dran, part of the exhibition INSIDE, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 20 Oct, 2014-10 Jan, 2015

Gail Priest in front of artwork by Dran, part of the exhibition INSIDE, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 20 Oct, 2014-10 Jan, 2015

After 15 and half years of service, frequently above and beyond the call of duty, our much loved Associate Editor, Online Producer, writer and layout artist Gail Priest has surrendered her 7/10th position with RealTime to transform her 3/10 life as an artist into a full-time career with the help of a well-deserved Australia Council Fellowship. Her intelligence, creativity, humour, sense of team work, her generosity and commitment to the artists and writers who fill our pages have made life at RealTime an enduring pleasure, whether in the office or ‘on the road,’ writing and mentoring in Bristol, Melbourne, Adelaide, Singapore, Perth, Hobart and Vancouver. We congratulate Gail for taking the plunge and wish her all the best for her career in writing and experimental music. An inspiring companion on our journey, there is no substitute for Gail.
Virginia & Keith

RealTime issue #125 Feb-March 2015 pg. 2

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

23 February 2015