
Chunky news


Gideon Obarzanek, Chunky Move

Gideon Obarzanek, Chunky Move

You can count on an evening of discombobulation when Chunky Move come to town with their suitcases full of Bodyparts, their new dance season at the Drama Theatre in August-September.

Gideon Obarzanek gets his teeth stuck into Little Red in All the Better to Eat You With exploring “the complexities of power and abuse beneath the familiar fairytale” Yeh, yeh but we know it’s the “psychotic beauty and seriously sensual” stuff we wanna see, “the surrealist tea party cum serial killer pantomime.” Yes! “A delectable fairytale fit for the new millennium” says The Melbourne Times, to which we say, yum-yum.

There’s more discomfort in Lucy Guerin’s Zero described by the choreographer as “an uneasy work that continually censors itself, reinventing its structural identity and the individuals within it.” Using techniques of film camera operation and playback translated into a real time situation, her choreography with Darrin Verhagen’s electronic soundtrack creates close-ups, jump cuts and extreme shifts in focus.
See it on a dark night.

Bodyparts, The Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House, August 31 – September 4.

RealTime issue #32 Aug-Sept 1999 pg. 2

© inhouse ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

1 August 1999