
The next media spike

The wall between science lab and art gallery is coming down in Spikes, a multimedia exhibition examining the science/art interface at the University of Technology Sydney gallery. Featuring work by 6 internationally recognised multimedia artists, Spikes will interrogate the social and ethical concerns thrown up by the accelerating pace of technological and environmental change that characterises 21st century life.

“The project takes the possibility of technological and population spikes within the next 50 years as a conceptual starting point,” says curator Jacqueline Bosscher, “a spike being a period involving change of immense speed and scale that could end in human obsolescence or transformation.”

Examining future trajectories of human and animal species and visions for a sustainable future, Spikes will feature video, sculpture, new media and living biological material in the form of tissue cultures and plants. At a forum during the exhibition, the artists, curator and UTS staff will discuss ‘next’ media art—’next media’ being a term for biological or living material.

Artists featured in Spikes are Rod Berry, Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr, Joerg Hubmann, Andrew Smith and Astrid Spielman. RT

Spikes, curator Jacqueline Bosscher, UTS Gallery, Sydney, Feb 24-March 20; forum Feb 26, 6pm

RealTime issue #59 Feb-March 2004 pg. 22

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

1 February 2004