
giveaways – rt114

Berberian Sound Studio, DVD plus CD

“What is this film about? If one accepts its hypno-haunto inclination, it’s a dual text. One, a dream-narrative about Peter (Toby Jones), a very British sound editor from the mid-70s who ends up producing sound effects for a very Italian mixer, Santini, tracking and mixing an unseen film, The Equestrian Complex, in the eponymous Italian post-production studio. The other, an audiophiliac celebration of the components, procedures and techniques for recording sound effects back then, with an ancillary appreciation of the Italian giallo subgenre of erotic thrillers produced in Italy since the 1960s” (Philip Brophy, RT113). This psychological thriller about a foley artist going mad is accompanied by a CD of the music from the era and sounds, including unnerving screams, from the film.
3 copies of DVD + CD courtesy of Madman Entertainment

Amiel Courtin-Wilson, Hail DVD

Danny, just out of gaol, struggles to find employment and to confirm love, but circumstances and his damaged psyche coalesce to set him on a path to brutal vengeance. Not a film for the faint-hearted. After seeing Hail at its premiere in the 2011 Adelaide Film Festival, I wrote, “Hail is a drama feature that deftly manages to fuse documentary immediacy (fluid hand-held camera work, raw dialogue) with carefully constructed scenography built around lyrical editing and richly textured and adroitly framed widescreen cinematography (Germain McMicking). It’s a big screen, immersive experience… Despite some uneven plot development, Hail is a remarkable film: Daniel Jones and Leanne Letch’s performances are excellent in their portrayal of a profoundly uneasy love, cinematography is superb and the script tightly focused, conveying both spontaneity and a sense of craft and purpose” (Keith Gallasch, RT102).
5 copies courtesy of Madman Entertainment

Searching for Sugarman, DVD

“In the late 1960s, a musician was discovered in a Detroit bar by two celebrated producers struck by his soulful melodies and prophetic lyrics. They recorded an album that they believed was going to secure his reputation as one of the greatest recording artists of his generation. The album bombed and the singer disappeared into obscurity amid rumours of a gruesome on-stage suicide. But a bootleg recording found its way into apartheid South Africa and, over the next two decades, it became a phenomenon. In this Oscar-winning documentary two South African fans set out to find out what really happened to their hero [leading] them to a story more extraordinary than any of the existing myths about the artist known as Rodriguez” (Madman Press release).
3 copies courtesy of Madman Entertainment

Please note you can nominate for ONLY ONE GIVEAWAY.
Email us at giveaways@realtimearts.net with your name, postal address and phone number.
Include ‘Giveaway’ and the name of the item in the subject line.
This giveaway is open until June 1.

RealTime issue #114 April-May 2013 pg. 56

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

22 April 2013