
Giveaways – rt115

Raising the Curtain, Godzilla, Ida Dueland

DVD: Raising the Curtain—A celebration of Australian theatre

Madman and SBS DVD have come together to present Raising the Curtain, a unique history of Australian theatre from the convict era to the present, employing re-enactments, archival footage and photographs, and interviews with Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Robyn Nevin, Andrew Upton, Jack Charles, John Bell, Louis Nowra and others. The three episodes cover key figures in the development of Australian theatre, the influence of vaudeville and circus, and the current redefining of tradition.

5 copies of Raising the Curtain courtesy of Madman Entertainment

DVD: Godzilla—Millenium Series Box Set

Make six of the 28 to date Godzilla movies your own! Originally embodying a warning about the dangers of nuclear war, Godzilla soon became more important than the message with audiences the world over. The Millennium era of Godzilla (1999-2004) traces Godzilla from his origins to fighting all the way to the last in the series, Final Wars.

3 box sets courtesy of Madman Entertainment

CD: Ida Dueland, Winterreise

Winterreise, inspired by Franz Schubert’s famous work, is the latest album from Ida Duelund, a talented Danish vocalist and double bass player working in collaboration with sound designer Jethro Woodward. Active in jazz, experimental, improvised, pop and chamber music, Dueland has performed with Chamber Made Opera, The Australian Art Orchestra, Malthouse, Rawcus and Four Larks Theatre. You can sample Dueland’s evocative singing and fine cello playing in the RealTime Sound Capsule #4 or hear a track from Wintereisse at idaduelund.bandcamp.com.

3 copies courtesy of Chamber Made Opera

Please note you can nominate for ONLY ONE GIVEAWAY.
Email us at giveaways@realtimearts.net with your name, postal address and phone number.

Include ‘Giveaway’ and the name of the item in the subject line.

RealTime issue #115 June-July 2013 pg. 56

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

6 June 2013