
In the loop 30 Oct: Opportunities



Waterwheel Symposium Call for Participation

Waterwheel is an online platform for interdisciplinary discussions, performance and interaction around the subject of water (see our interview with founder Suzon Fuks). Waterwheel is currently calling for proposals from artists, scientists and thinkers to present artworks, performances and papers at the next symposium in March 2014 focusing on the theme “Water Views—Caring and Daring.” Proposals are also invited from young people (under 18 years) to take part in their Voice of the Future Youth Day.
Proposals for Symposium due 22 Nov; proposals for Voice of the Future Youth Day, 31 Dec; http://water-wheel.net/

Editor, Un Magazine

Un Projects, producer of the very neat and informative Melbourne-based art magazine, is seeking an editor for their two issues in 2014. Editions are published June & Nov and there is a fee of $3000 per edition.
Applications due 25 November 2013; http://unprojects.org.au/magazine/contribute/

Courthouse Arts Visual Arts Program

Courthouse Arts in Geelong is seeking expressions of interest from individuals or artist collectives aged 12-26 who are interested in curating the venue’s 2014 visual arts program.
EOIs due 15 Nov; http://courthouse.org.au/on-now/searching-for-a-young-curator-for-2014/

CCP Salon 2013

Now in its 21st year the CCP Salon (presented by Leica and Ilford ) is Austalia’s largest open-entry, photo-media exhibition and competition. There’s $20,000 in prize money up for grabs across 23 categories and the entry deadline has been extended.
Deadline 8 Nov; http://www.ccp.org.au/salon_2013.php

Still in the loop

AEAF—emerging + experimental curators
Applications due 8 Nov

Renew Sydney: Leichhardt
Proposals due 8 Nov

First Draft Directors 2014-2015
Deadline 8 Nov

Selected Australia Council Grant Deadlines

(for full list go to http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/grants

Music: Presentation and Promotion – 18 November 2013

Music: New Work – Writing and Recording – 18 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Skills and Arts Development –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Presentation and Promotion-
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: The Dreaming Award –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Fellowships –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: The Red Ochre Award –
19 November 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: New Work –
19 November 2013

Visual Arts Travel Fund – 25 November 2013

Contemporary Music Touring Program – 25 November 2013

RealTime issue #117 Oct-Nov 2013 pg. web

© RealTime ; for permission to reproduce apply to realtime@realtimearts.net

30 October 2013